Dan’s Beer Run
Sat 13th September 2025
5th edition – stronger and stronger each year!
Why Dan’s Beer Run?
In October 2020 my wife Angelique was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer. Amidst all of that fallout and dealing with the news, we also had to plan how to live the next many months dealing with the diagnosis as a family and understanding how Angelique’s treatment would work. Throughout this really challenging and scary time we have been supported continuously by The Royal Marsden. Angelique has endured three major operations and six months of chemotherapy under their guidance and it is impossible to offer enough thanks to them for their continuous care and attention. Everyone from consultants to the nurses have been brilliant. We are, and always will be, deeply indebted to them all.
Throughout this time I have taken solace in the calming trails of the Surrey hills and every now and then, when the restrictions allowed, their beautiful pubs. So it gave me an idea for a fundraiser. A pub crawl combined with a run. Two of my great loves!
So I came up with Dan’s Beer Run. You can do a 15km, 25km or 50km pub crawl walking, running or cycling. The routes are all set along the lovely Surrey trails with friendly people to guide you around and if you fancy it you can quench your thirst in the pubs along the way. Not compulsory but gently encouraged! The different events should finish at roughly the same time at Epsom Cricket Cub where we have the whole venue reserved for a great party afterwards. This is where we will make merry and reward our hard endeavours with good food and beer. All routes start and end here.
Its a place none of us ever want to have to depend on but how lucky we are to have it when we need it.
So come along and get involved. It’s a great way to get outdoors, spend time with some nice people, enjoy the hills and have a few beers along the way. And most importantly you can help us raise money for this great place. Please donate on our fundraising page and let us know the distance you want to undertake by registering here.
Thank you so much for your time and support. It means a lot. I hope to see you there!
Thanks. Dan.
Thanks to our generous local sponsors